Monday, February 27, 2012

Feb. 27, continued.

This is the street just down the hill from the chapel in Llallagua.

The chapel in Llallagua really stands out among the old buildings around it.  Right behind the basketball standard/goal is the fence that surrounds the chapel and court.

This is looking out of the fence toward the street.  There were piles of clothing, shoes and other "stuff" sent from the U.S.  People were going through things to see if there was anything they could use.

A picture of the sisters in Llallagua after the training for Relief Society.  I felt a real closeness with these sisters.  There was a special Spirit in our meeting and afterward as we hugged one another.  Relief Society is truly a worldwide sisterhood.

This is another picture of the buildings across the street from the chapel.

We loved the picture on the blankets on the bed in Oruro.  There were 3 blankets just like this on the bed.  The covers were so heavy, we had a hard time sleeping.  Everyone told us that Oruro is "frio".  It is really cold and there is no central heat.

There were several of these big statues on the street coming into Oruro.  These people are very proud to be miners.

The huge miner's hat at the entrance to Oruro.

This is the market on Sunday in front of the Patacamaya branch.  We went to Sunday School and Sacrament Meeting here.  We also me with the new Primary President and Relief Society President for a few minutes after the meetings.  There were about 23 people not counting the missionaries.  One brother (the former branch president) blessed both the bread and water and 1 deacon passed the sacrament to all the congregation.

This is the chapel behind the market in Patacamaya. 

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