Monday, March 12, 2012

Office work and Valle de la Luna

We are spending a lot of time in the office trying to get the fiches (baptismal forms) filed and straightened around.  There were lots of stacks that had not been filed and Elder Dibb is trying to get everything organized.

Hermana Dibb spends most of her time at the computer trying to get things put in the mission system and then sending completed form information (when we have it) to Salt Lake so we can get member numbers and make sure those who are baptized have their work recorded.  The system is very cumbersome and a member in our ward is going to try to get rid of some of the steps and make our mission system faster.

This is the Paz Saldon family.  He is a counselor in the bishopric and his wife is the Relief Society President.  We at lunch at their home.  The older gentleman is Hermano Pas Saldon's father.  The daughter in the middle, Pricilla is 17 and another daughter, Camila, 10 is taking the picture.  They are a nice family and have relatives in American Fork.  We think they live over by Brittani's parents.

We went to Valle de la Luna on Monday.  We road a tour bus.  We were on top for a while, but then it started to rain and we went inside.  This is a picture of Sopocachi (where w live) from the other side of the canyon.

The schools all have a "playground" in the middle where the kids have activities.  We could see this one from the top of the bus, but usually you can only hear them playing.

There were some really nice houses on our way to Valle de la Luna.

If you look closely, you can see women doing the laundry in the river and laying it out on the ground to dry.

This is at the Valle de la Luna.  The rocks are a lot like Bryce Canyon, except they are light and are very fragile.  They are just hardened mud.

There are lots of holes right off the trail.

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